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In this blog post, we explore the challenges faced by workplace teams when it comes to test fitting and visualization, as well as how Saltmine’s immersive platform addresses them and brings value to the design process.

Our experience in working with enterprise companies has highlighted the cumbersome and time-consuming nature of the test fitting and visualization process for workplace designs. Workplace teams frequently encounter challenges when trying to translate programming data and space calculations into practical floor plans. These difficulties are compounded when collaborating with diverse teams that use different software or lack guidance from design professionals.

Revolutionizing the approach

Where our customers have experienced success using our platform is automating the connection between test fitting and visualizing floorplans. This seamless connection eliminates the step-by-step processes that separate 2D and 3D design considerations. With Saltmine, our customers can instantly visualize their test fit results in both dimensions, unlocking a new level of efficiency and collaboration.

Efficiency through collaboration

This capability streamlines collaboration and decision-making for workplace teams and their stakeholders.

Saltmine offers a shared platform for visualizing designs, empowering all project members to actively engage and contribute, regardless of their familiarity with design software. This democratization of design thinking fosters quicker consensus building and improved alignment among stakeholders, leading to accelerated decision-making processes without compromising the project’s high-quality standards.

Contextual Collaboration-Activity Pannel- Table 3D Walk (1)

Accelerating design decisions

From grayscale models to immersive 3D digital twins, Saltmine’s visualization capabilities allows users to leverage models in whatever level is desired.

One of the most significant advantages of Saltmine is its ability to facilitate early buy-in from decision-makers. In the past, relying solely on 2D plans made it challenging for stakeholders—particularly busy executives—to fully grasp the design. Saltmine’s immersive 3D visualization capabilities address this challenge by providing a realistic representation of proposed designs.

Decision-makers can now experience the space firsthand, evaluate its functionality, and offer feedback or suggestions promptly. This efficient decision-making process reduces project timelines and mitigates the need for costly changes later on.

HD walkthrough

Unlocking creativity and iteration

All of this empowers our customers to explore a wide range of design possibilities and iterate rapidly.

By starting with a baseline generated by the platform, teams can experiment with various layouts, configurations, and features. Saltmine’s visualization capabilities allow for instant feedback and adjustments, fostering a collaborative environment where ideas can flourish. This iterative approach encourages creativity, enabling workplace teams to fine-tune their designs and achieve optimal outcomes in the built environment.

Seizing the potential of Saltmine

To harness the full potential of Saltmine, we ask new customers to provide detailed documentation, including drawings, workplace guidelines, and references to successful projects.

With these inputs, teams receive a foundational starting point from the platform, allowing them to dive into the design process quickly. Leveraging Saltmine’s intuitive interface, teams can explore multiple design options, refine their vision, and make well-informed decisions with confidence.

Embrace a future of effortless workplace design

This new approach to test fitting and visualization can reshape how companies approach workplace design and capital projects. By bridging the gap between these critical stages, Saltmine empowers our customers to drive efficient collaboration, accelerate decision-making, and unlock their creative potential.

Outcomes achieved by our customers

Customers who use the full potential of our platform’s test fitting and visualization capabilities have achieved countless positive outcomes.

Here are just a couple of them:

Financial Services Co.

By leveraging Saltmine, this team has drastically reduced their early design and test fit timelines. What used to take 2 months in the original design process now only takes 2 weeks. The incorporation of live feedback and coordination during project kick-off meetings, utilizing Saltmine’s 2D and 3D visualization capabilities, has also led to a significant reduction in stakeholder alignment meetings.


  • Pre-design process: Reduced by 75%
  • Design to approval process: Reduced by 30%
  • Stakeholder meetings: Reduced by 80%

ERP Platform Co.

This team efficiently conducts in-house test fits without incurring additional time or design fees that usually come with working alongside a design partner. With the completion of initial layout studies, they gain confidence that the proposed programming will seamlessly fit into the chosen real estate, thereby expediting project delivery.

Unlike the conventional approach of relying on third-party services, Saltmine provides the capability to generate visualizations for your entire portfolio without the burden of paying for each new or revised visualization. Typical projects often require two HD renders and one video walkthrough–or sometimes even more, depending on the project–making Saltmine a cost-effective solution for comprehensive visualizations.

  • Third party’s fee for two renders: $5,000
  • Third party’s fee for one video walkthrough: $15,000
  • Average per project savings on renders and walkthroughs alone: $20,000

The easy-to-generate renderings and video walkthroughs in Saltmine helps this team achieve quicker stakeholder buy-in and reduces project budget.

Setting up Multiple Renderings (1)

Learn more

To learn more about the width and breadth of the Saltmine platform, please check out out resource library:

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Jazmine Brown

Jazmine Brown

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