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Fortune 500 Fintech Company Cuts Timelines and Saves Millions

Company profile: 

  • Financial services and technology company
  • Headcount: 30,000 employee
  • Portfolio size: 4.2 million square feet

The challenge

Like many large enterprise companies, this company’s workplace tech stack was fragmented and lacked a “single source of truth” for architectural plans and design drawings. Some were saved to their various tools and softwares but more often lived with 3rd party consultants, who charged a high price for services like change orders and reporting

Why Saltmine?

This company ultimately chose Saltmine because of the platform’s ability to centralize architectural plans and create digital twins of every office space in their portfolio. The easy-to-use Saltmine platform also helped this company consistently apply their workplace standards while quickly testing new post-pandemic office concepts and accelerating their test fitting process.

To learn about how they use Saltmine and the positive outcomes they’ve achieved for their enterprise, click the button to the right.