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Tech Company Makes Intelligent and Confident Decisions For Their Workplace

Company profile: 

  • Tech Company
  • Headcount: 6,700 employees
  • Portfolio size: 2.2 million square feet

The challenge

Fragmented tools made it difficult to connect workplace, occupancy, and utilization data to the digital twins of architectural spaces.

After years of acquisitions and a lack of workplace oversight, this client lacked space standards, processes, and a comprehensive understanding of their commercial real estate portfolio. To address this, they hired an expensive consulting firm–but even these consultants relied on overly manual processes for data collection and report production. Reports were expensive to maintain and often became stale by the time they were finally generated.

Why Saltmine?

This customer ultimately chose the Saltmine platform because it allows them to track, analyze, and cross reference all workplace data in one centralized place. Saltmine makes their data actionable and provides meaning behind it which helps them develop a modern, human-centric workplace strategy.

To learn about how they use Saltmine and the positive outcomes they’ve achieved for their enterprise, click the button to the right.